Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Benefit of wild Yam

benefit of wild yamThe plant known as wild yam is actually a perennial vine, which is pale brown rhizome, coupled with thin reddish-brown with stem can grow to 36 feet in length. In the wild yam especially large oval leaves with a fine hair on the bottom of the leaf, the plant produces attractive flowers with greenish-yellow. These small flowers appear from June to July. The fruit of wild yam also yellowish-green and it ripens in September, remaining on the vine for a while during the winter months. In rootstock with wild yam are crooked, and they feature a horizontal branches with long runners. In the wild yam have many other names, including devil's bones, rheumatism root, Yuma, Mexico and China yam root.

Benefit of wild yam

Wild yam has been used in traditional medicines for years and it is considered to provide many benefits, including relief from menstrual cramps, hot flashes and headaches often associated with menopause. It is believed that wild yam provides these benefits in connection with its estrogen, progestin and as property. In rhizome are known to contain compounds known as sopanins, which is a prerequisite for the production of estrogen, progesterone and cortisone. The outer bark of wild yam is also high in these sopanins, and this may explain some of their ability to sooth the symptoms of menopause. In addition, wild yam has been studied for its ability to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, and traditional cultures have long used it to treat liver and endocrine system. And, in addition to treating the symptoms of menopause, wild yam also proved to be effective in treating menstrual cramps and other similar problems. Others benefit of wild yams are the effective treatment of common digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, and spasms.

Side effects, and precautions While wild yam generally safe and effective for some conditions, it can have side effects, and caution should be used in early treatment with this setup. If you have any side effects or discomfort when taking wild yam, it is important to stop taking it and seek the advice of your doctor. As with all supplements and medicines, as well as prescription at the pharmacy, it is necessary to consult a doctor when taking wild yam. It is important that your doctor has a complete record of all treatments and medications you are taking, whether he or she prescribed for them or not. That's because even herbs can have serious side effects and drug interactions. Maintenance of a doctor in charge of all of your treatment is the best way to ensure your health. In some cases, even large wild yam has been shown to cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In addition, women who are pregnant or those who are breast-feeding should not take wild yam because they bear the risk of some birth defects and spontaneous abortions. In addition, those who suffer from hormone imbalance, hormone-sensitive cancer or depression, should not be seen as wild yam

Wild Yeam

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