Saturday, October 07, 2006

Enjoy The Many Health Benefits Of The Wolfberry

benefits of wolfberryThe health benefits of the wolfberry have long been known to the world of traditional medicine, these health benefits were explored throughout China many thousands of years ago. As far back as the Tang Dynasty, in the years from 1000 to 1400 A.D., there are references the wolfberry in the traditional Chinese Medica. Among the health benefits cited by the Chinese was the ability to nourish the Yin. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Yin represents the material part of the body, while the Yang is concerned with the energy and function of the body instead.

Health Benefits Of The Wolfberry

Other health benefits of the wolfberry included the ability to strengthen the liver, the kidneys and the eyes, as well as the ability to nourish the blood. The fruits of the wolfberry are well known to the world of herbal medicine, and they show up in a number of herbal formulas used to maintain overall health. The wolfberry is also used in herbal medicines used to treat chronic health problems such as fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, ringing in the ears, vision problems, insomnia, headaches, chronic liver disease, tuberculosis, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Traditionally, the fruit of the wolfberry has been used to map teas, soups, stews and even wine. In addition, the fruits of the wolfberry are often chewed, much like raisins. In modern China, scientists have extensively studied the fruits of the wolfberry to determine their nutritional value and medicinal benefits. These modern studies have backed up the traditional uses of the wolfberry. The wolfberry has been found to be of assistance in maintaining the health of the immune system, improving eyesight, helping to keep the liver healthy and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels. In addition, the fruits of the wolfberry are thought to have strong antioxidant and anti aging properties.

What Is The Wolfberry?

The wolfberry is actually a member of the family solanacea, and it grows wild on bushes found in the northwest part of China. The Chinese people have been growing the wolfberry for thousands of years, both for its pleasant taste and its strong nutritional value and role in traditional medicine. Wolfberry blooms between April and October in its native China, and it is typically harvested from June to October depending on the local weather and growing conditions.

The wolfberry signals its readiness for harvest by turning red, and the fresh fruit is oblong in shape and very juicy. The wolfberry is full of juice and is very sweet to the taste. The primary active ingredient in the fruit of the wolfberry is known to science as Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide, or LBP for short. The amount of LDP contained in the wolfberry will vary according to the type of berry, with the top quality wolfberries containing the highest concentrations of LDP.

The wolfberry contains 19 different kinds of amino acids and 21 trace minerals. In addition, the wolfberry has more beta carotene than a carrot, nearly as much vitamin C as an orange and almost as much protein as bee pollen.

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